Monday, June 10, 2024

May 2024 - A quiet song.

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog, enjoy!

Time was there were so many typewriters around you could always just pick one up, but nowadays they're harder to come by at a decent price, so i was stoked to finally cop a good one for ten bucks.  I literally think this is one of the main things i need to make 'zines, typewriters are so good for that... 

The apples blooming is always gorgeous.

Roughing out a 'zine

One of these days this little hawk will let me get close enough to get a good photo.  Mind-you, I'm incredibly impatient and always have a dog with me when photographing wildlife...

Lilacs in the wind.

I published a new 'zine, nothing too wild, just some of my favourite photos from the last few months... Stop by the studio, Tuesday-Friday, 10-5 to pick one up (they cost four dollars...).

If you'd like to come by and check out my books of flash, stop by the studio 10-5, Tuesday-Friday.  I have tons of designs, mostly plants, birds, animals and geometry.  But I also have lady heads, daggers and flames around too... 

It's always a nice morning when someone walk by as I pass through tunnel alley... 

Some modified flash for an unconventional placement... Email me at for tattoo bookings. 

I added this cormorant fishing to a beautiful little flash collection on an old client.  

Available flash.

This wet spring has been so nice. I love The City in the rain, the sound of tires on the wet concrete, the reflections.  Maybe partly why i love it so much is the knowledge of how hot and dry it will get...

For the homie Jimbo

If you follow my work closely, you've probably noticed I tattoo a particular type of flower a lot, especially to fill awkward spaces or finish off sleeves.  Those flowers are based on this type of rose.  These ones are some gorgeous white ones that grow in my back lane, I look forward to making some new life-drawing flash of these ones while they're in bloom. 

Thanks again for looking, email me at for tattoo bookings.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell yeah! — Jimbo

9:53 AM  

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